Desirable Qualities to Cultivate

Desirable Qualities to Cultivate

Learning objective: After reading this information sheet you must be able to cultivate desirable qualities to improve your personality.

Desirable Qualities to Cultivate

  1. Good Posture – is the graceful presentation of your form, ought to be one of the fundamental aspects of your personality development.
    • It creates a favorable impression, your posture affects your health, reveals your attitude and changes your appearance
    • It makes you look more impressive because it proclaims to other people your feeling of poise, control and self-confidence.
    • Take a look at yourself in a long mirror and face the truth. This is what you should see head high, chin parallel to the floor, shoulders relaxed to make your neck look as long as possible, tummy tucked in with the midriff lifted up into the rib cage, derriere in and under, front foot pointed straight forward, back foot at an angle of 45 degree behind it.


  1. Attitudehas a great deal with personality. It governs your likes and dislikes and your responsiveness to people, occasion and things. People who meet difficulties yet they are very cheerful, pleasant and easy to get along with, are said to have a healthy attitude.


  1. Behaviorcontrol your temper once you will have spoken you cannot recall a single word. Any person with his control off balance can throw others into a state of confusion. Everything you say or do starts a chain of reaction which maybe good or bad will have a continuing and lasting effect once you had known the behavior of an individual, you are free to choose those desirable traits applicable and discard those which are unwanted.


  1. Thinking – should be a part of your personality designing a pattern of mental thinking increases your intellectual stature.
    • If you want people to listen when you speak, they pay attention not alone to what you say, but how you say it. Increase your word power by building a vocabulary by reading good literature.
    • Broaden it with the use of the dictionary. Learn new words each day or look up to the unfamiliar once you encounter in conversation or reading.


  1. Pleasant Voice – is needed for words alone will not suffice if speech is to be both fluent and pleasing, a tone of voice is properly pitch must be used. A monotone voice is dull and uninteresting.


  1. Gracious – is to display pleasant emotions.
    • A smile of greeting and a word of welcome. The willingness to assume the responsibilities of friendship to fit into new environment and to meet new people with charm grace. All express the quality of good personality.


  1. Emotional Stability – a good personality has no room for such a character weakness as emotional instability.
    • If you want to be admired, develop the qualities of character that command respect to your fellow men.


  1. Politeness – its rout is thoughtfulness.
    • It should be easy to follow for it includes all the little things such as “Thank you,” “Please” and treating people with respect. Exercising care of other people’s property being tolerant and understanding of other people’s effort and being considerate of those with whom you work. Choose your words and you will never be rude.


  1. Be well groomed - when you meet an stranger, make an instinctive appraisal and this person makes an appraisal to you in return to meet good grooming, hair should be clean and well styled to make a lovely frame of your face, Your grooming goes hand in hand with good posture whether standing, walking or sitting. Your clothing should be clean; the style should fit your body figure.


  1. Have a sense of humor. Cultivate your sense of humor, Make yourself less serious when you laugh with your friends you had gained the ability to properly evaluate your relative personal importance to the group.

Client : Personality Development

Category :

Date : 15 Aug 2024

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