A Newcomer’s Introduction To Canada

A Newcomer’s Introduction To Canada

Learning objective: After reading this information sheet you must be able to identify and understand the values and culture of Canadians.


A Newcomer’s Introduction To Canada



Canada is a land of many cultures and many people. Aboriginal peoples have occupied the territory now called Canada for several thousands of years. It has been said that Canada is a “nation of immigrants.”


There are three main groups of Aboriginal people in Canada:

  1. First Nations
  2. Inuit
  3. Metis


Canada” may have come from the word “kanata”, which means a settlement.


July 1, 1867 – Canada became a country

  • This event is known as “confederation”
  • Before 1867 the FRENCH arrived first then the BRITISH. Each brought their own language, system of government, laws and culture.
  • After a long war between the British and the French, all of Canada came under the British rule – known as “British North America.”


Mid to late 19th century and early 20th century

  • immigrant arrived from Europe
  • some worked in factories, mines, and lumber fields
  • Asian immigrants from China and India settled mainly in the western provinces during this time.
  • After both world wars, thousands of Europeans came to Canada as immigrant and refugees and helped build Canada’s post – war economy.
  • Over the last 50 years people from all over the globe have sought a better life or have sought refuge in Canada.
  • Canada still needs the skills, talents and enthusiasm of newcomers to build our country.
  • Today Canada is home to immigrants from more than 240 countries.
  • Most newcomers decide to become citizens of Canada, after they are settled and have met the requirements of Canadian citizenship.




Canada – is located at the northern part of America.

world’s second largest country next to Russian federation


Land mass – 9,970,610 km2


Capital – Ottawa (Ontario)


Consist of 10 provinces and 3 territories:

Provinces and their capital:

  1. Alberta Edmonton
  2. British Columbia - Victoria
  3. Prince Edward Island - Charlottetown
  4. Manitoba - Winnipeg
  5. New BrunswickFredericton
  6. Nova Scotia Halifax
  7. Ontario Toronto
  8. Nunavut Iqaluit
  9. Quebec Quebec City
  10. SaskatchewanRegina



  1. New Foundland John
  2. Northwest TerritoriesYellow Knife
  3. Yukon TerritoriesWhite Horse



Canada is divided into 5 main regions:

  1. Atlantic region
  • Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Labrador.
  • Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.
  1. Central Canada – consist of provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is the most populated region of the country. Together Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.
  2. Prairies – Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources.
  3. West Coast – British Columbia – famous for its mountain ranges and forests.
  • Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy.
  • Fruit farming is also a major industry and tourism.
  1. North – Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, they make up over 1/3 of Canadas land mass.
  • resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc


Distances: Measured in kilometers : 7,000 km from east to west.

  • you will need 7 days to drive from Halifax to nova Scotia to Vancouver to British Columbia.
  • By airplane, the same trip would take about 7 hours.


Population – about 31 million people


Ottawa (capital of Ontario) – nearly 1 million

Toronto – 4.4 million

Montreal, Quebec – 3.4 million

Vancouver – 1.9 million


Economy : Canada has diversified economy

  • Natural resources industries, such as forestry, mining, oil and gas extractions, farming
  • World leader in the fields of communications, biotechnology, aerospace technology and pharmaceuticals.


Standard of Living

  • Rank 6 in the world, measured according to GDP/ capita, behind by USA, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany and Japan.



Canadian Dollar – basic unit of money


Most common paper bills are:

  1. $5
  2. $10
  3. $20

But $50 and $100 bills are also used


Canadian coins:

  1. penny (1 cent)
  2. nickel (5 cents)
  3. dime (10 cents)
  4. quarter (25 cents)
  5. loonie ($1)
  6. toonie ($2)



National Emblem:  Maple Leaf


Climates: Summer, winter, spring and falls or autumn


Tallest peakMt. Logan (Yukon)


Government :

  • Federal form of government
  • It has 3 levels of government
  1. Federal – responsible for:
  • defense
  • foreign policy and foreign relation
  • banking
  • postal service
  • criminal law
  • immigration
  • citizenship
  1. Provincial Government
  • education
  • municipal institution

They also share responsibility with federal government for:

  • health service
  • farming
  • social assistance
  • transportation
  • the environment
  1. Municipal Government – responsible for local matters:
  • police and fire protection
  • water services
  • recreation
  • local public transportation


Language : 2 official languages

  1. English
  2. French

Client : Human Values

Category :

Date : 27 Jan 2023

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