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Home Management
Nam semper bibendum urna, dictum elementum dui semper nec. Integer at placerat eros, ut blandit ante. Curabitur sagittis justo et neque sagittis adipiscing. Nunc eros turpis, tristique sit amet tempus cursus, vehicula ac ipsum. Home Management - Sub
Learning objectives: After reading this Information Sheet, You must be able to identify and understand how to manage a home. The Work Triangle, Kitchen Basic Designs and Arranging Bedrooms
Learning objectives: After reading this Information Sheet, You must be able to identify and understand about the work triangle, 5 basic designs of kitchen and how to arrange bedrooms. Nutrition Part 1
Learning objectives: After reading this Information Sheet, You must be able to identify and understand about preparing and serving nutritious food for the client. Nutrition Part 2
After reading this Information Sheet, You must be able to identify and understand about the food pyramid Table Etiquette
Performance Objective: Given the necessary tools, supplies and equipment, you must be able to demonstrate the common types of table setting. Common Types of Table Setting
Performance Objective: Given the necessary tools, supplies and equipment, you must be able to demonstrate the common types of table setting.